Boone Carlson is excited to announce he is a 2024 candidate for Minnesota State Representative for District 09A. 

Boone lives in Grant County on their family farm with his wife and three sons. 

When Boone was growing up, he spent his summers in Grant County. He helped his father with his aerial application business and helped his uncle on their family farm. Boone also enjoyed hunting and snowmobiling in the area.  

Boone has always been a hard worker and very goal orientated. During the last 30 years of work experience he has had the opportunity to manage employees and profitability of different businesses. This allowed Boone to cultivate many relationships and partnerships with members of his community and within the area. Today, Boone’s family owns and operates their family farm and their aerial application business. These experiences have given Boone a unique understanding of how to work with different people, with different views but working together to achieve the same goals.  

Boone is running for the Republican Nomination for Minnesota State Representative seat in District 09A. Boone is running because he believes we need someone new with more enthusiasm and energy to represent West Central Minnesota. Boone has served on many boards including local community boards, industry boards, small business boards, and his local township board, where he has served for over 20 years. 

Boone wants to represent West Central Minnesota with conviction, gratefulness and enthusiasm. Boone wants to promote career opportunities in West Central Minnesota because he would like to see more people and young families in the area. Boone believes in a strong education system. He would like Minnesota to be a leader in preparing our young adults to be better prepared for adult life. Boone is against any “Green New Deal” policy that additionally taxes consumers, and/or mandates citizens go all electric. As your State Representative he will stand up and fight for your personal right to choose what kind of vehicles you want to drive. Boone is proud of all the Police, Firefighters and First Responders. That is why as your Representative he will fight to make sure they always have enough funding to help our communities remain safe. 

Boone has had political aspirations for several years. Boone looks forward to serving West Central Minnesota because he has strong convictions and will always fight for the people he represents.  

  • Boone will advocate against wasteful spending.  
  • He will be a proponent for personal and landowner rights. 
  • He will be against regulations that hurt job growth and business. 
  • Boone will be your voice in St. Paul.  

He asks for your support and your vote. Boone is a vote for West Central Minnesota. Boone is a vote for conservative values. Most importantly, a vote for Boone will give you someone who cares about you and the issues facing Minnesota today.  

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. 

We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. 

It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. 

-Ronald Reagan